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Advanced | 习马会 Xi-Ma Meeting
两岸领导人在新加坡的会面可以说是历史性的大事,有人看好、有人不以为然,对话中我们将通过一位记者的眼光,用比较中性的角度来看看这件事,听听看他们怎么说。 Episode link:
Переглядів: 321


Upper-intermediate | Electronic Dogs and Radar Detectors
Переглядів 1822 години тому
In today's ChinesePod lesson we're exploring the exciting world of electronic gadgets. These days, they've got a gadget for just about everything. Find out what happens when you opt for the cheap do-it-all gadget (you know, the one they're hawking downstairs for a fifth the price of the real one)! Hint: it might have been worth the investment to pay for the version they're selling in real store...
Newbie | Taxi Small Talk
Переглядів 2592 години тому
Don't be put off by that cage contraption. Think about it... a man trapped in a metal cage. What better language partner could there be than one that can't escape? Listen to this podcast and learn how to chew the fat with that paunchy driver who is so bored he's even willing feign listening to your attempts at Chinese. Make friends with the eyes in the rear view mirror and remember traffic jams...
Advanced | 雾霾 A Smog Occupation
Переглядів 1677 годин тому
雾霾不仅是国际会议桌上的一纸议案,而是与老百姓的生活息息相关的事,雾霾天还是得冒着吸入众多污染物的危险出门工作,市井小民也只能苦中作乐,期望有一天领导们能找出两全其美的好办法了。 Episode link:
Elementary | Hong Kong Visa Run
Переглядів 5107 годин тому
Visas are a huge, unavoidable nuisance. If you live in China, there's a good chance you've made at least one trip to Hong Kong in search of this priceless little sticker. Learn useful Chinese vocabulary about visas in today's podcast. Episode link:
Intermediate | Munich
Переглядів 3467 годин тому
In today's lesson, you'll learn to talk in Mandarin about magnificent Munich! This vibrant, fun-loving city is waiting for you hurry up and see what everyone's talking about! Episode link:
Advanced | SDR 人民幣入籃
Переглядів 38612 годин тому
人民币入篮了!这可不是什么篮球术语,而是与中国的金融体系,以及全球经济走向息息相关的事,中文博客当然得带大家来了解一下咯! Episode link:
Upper-intermediate | Audit
Переглядів 37912 годин тому
Strangers going through your budget reports, investigating your cash flow? Questions about last month's revenue? It must be an audit! Not to worry - there's nothing to hide... or is there? Join us today to learn all about this common [often dreaded] workplace event. Episode link:
Newbie | Taxi Destination
Переглядів 60412 годин тому
You feel like you've won the battle by actually getting one to stop though you had to beat off your street corner contenders to do it. All is fair in the battle for the cab... you claimed this curb first. But now, as you settle into the not-so-white white seat covers, don't lose the war. In this podcast, learn how to tell your taxi driver where you wanna go (and how to get there!), in Mandarin ...
Elementary | In a Moment
Переглядів 1,1 тис.19 годин тому
Today's Chinese lesson will have you on the edge of your seat, if you get excited easily. You'll learn how to tell others to hold their horses in Mandarin. What's your hurry? Learning Chinese takes time. Lots and lots of time. Episode link:
Advanced | 好咸好香赔健康
Переглядів 24619 годин тому
几十年前,能吃到“肉”表示你吃得“好”、吃得“有营养”,但是随着经济发达、食品加工技术提高,愈来愈多提倡少吃肉、多吃菜的声音出现在传播媒体上,吃肉究竟好不好?让我们听听这篇报道怎么说。 Episode link:
Intermediate | Will you Marry Me?
Переглядів 51919 годин тому
The biggest question you'll ever answer is not "Do you wanna take this outside, buddy?" or "Does this dress make me look fat?" It's "will you marry me?" In today's podcast, learn how to answer in Mandarin Chinese. And if you just can't get enough lunar representation, check out John's blog for a detailed look at this classic song . Episode link:
Advanced | 中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy
Переглядів 226День тому
曾子说:“吾日三省吾身,為人謀而不忠乎?與朋友交而不信乎?傳不習乎?”如果你喜欢中国的成语或俗语,那你得知道,这些成语、俗语有许多来自孔子、孟子及庄子的话,换句话说,是从中国古代思想来的。这一课我们要带大家从儒家思想家的话里,更加认识中国人对个人生命价值的看法 Episode link:
Upper-intermediate | Going to Wudang Mountain
Переглядів 416День тому
During the holidays, many people on the Chinese mainland head to one of eight special mountains. Perhaps the best know are the four Buddhist mountains, like Huangshan and Emei Shan. Not to be neglected are their siblings, the four Taoist mountains. In today's lesson, learn all about one of these very special travel destinations. Who knows - we might even bump into the RZA on the chair lift... E...
Newbie | Finding a Taxi
Переглядів 774День тому
We assume that, as a beginner, deciphering the schedule for the airport bus might be just a little stressful, so put off breaking into that duty-free you bought for 10 minutes or so and get yourself far, far away from the mayhem that is an Asian airport. In this podcast, you will learn how to find a taxi, in Mandarin Chinese. Then, sit back and enjoy the thrill sport that is taxi-taking in Chin...
Elementary | Watch Out!
Переглядів 763День тому
Elementary | Watch Out!
Advanced | 负能量 Mister Negative
Переглядів 373День тому
Advanced | 负能量 Mister Negative
Intermediate | Karaoke
Переглядів 517День тому
Intermediate | Karaoke
Advanced | 夕阳产业-Industry in Decline
Переглядів 41214 днів тому
Advanced | 夕阳产业-Industry in Decline
Upper-intermediate | Starting a Company in China
Переглядів 57214 днів тому
Upper-intermediate | Starting a Company in China
Newbie | Weekend Plans
Переглядів 90314 днів тому
Newbie | Weekend Plans
Intermediate | Not So Silent Night
Переглядів 63814 днів тому
Intermediate | Not So Silent Night
Advanced | That NBA Game! 望梅止渴
Переглядів 18714 днів тому
Advanced | That NBA Game! 望梅止渴
Elementary | Bad Cell Reception
Переглядів 89114 днів тому
Elementary | Bad Cell Reception
Advanced | 相亲 Arranged Blind Dates
Переглядів 41314 днів тому
Advanced | 相亲 Arranged Blind Dates
Upper-intermediate | Applying for a Loan
Переглядів 42114 днів тому
Upper-intermediate | Applying for a Loan
Newbie | What will it be?
Переглядів 90414 днів тому
Newbie | What will it be?
Elementary | Expired!
Переглядів 82821 день тому
Elementary | Expired!
Intermediate | Borrowing Money
Переглядів 50421 день тому
Intermediate | Borrowing Money
Advanced | 白富美 Pale, Pretty and Rich
Переглядів 46821 день тому
Advanced | 白富美 Pale, Pretty and Rich